
The Vis Vita Spa & Beauty Centre offers a wide range of treatments that will leave you feeling completely relaxed and revitalised.

Detox programme

This carefully planned programme for detoxification is due to the drinking treatment with the water Donat Mg unique in the world. The diet programme is based on cleansing the body; it accelerates the elimination of harmful substances from the body and improves the energy balance.

Body slim programme

Smaller dimension and body weight / burning of fat deposits and acceleration of metabolism / regeneration of tissue and increased elasticity / strengthening of the muscle system and loose body parts / better flexibility.

Anti stress programme

Stress, depression, and constant fatigue – these are the consequences of numerous negative factors that surround us in everyday life. We usually do not have many chances to avoid these stress factors, whether we are at work or at home.

VIS VITA program

Great programme to alleviate problems with digestion. Do you have a weakened immune system, do you not exercise enough, do you eat too much too often? Do you feel bloated, have regular indigestion and digestion problems?

TOP FIT & SLIM 16:8 programme

You regulate eating and fasting according to your schedule. If skipping breakfast doesn’t suit you, you can eat from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon, then skip dinner. You can drink black coffee and tea while fasting, because the caffeine will curb hunger, making it easier to fast.