Donat Mg

Donat contains the highest concentration of magnesium of all the world’s mineral waters. It has medical and healing properties, and is suitable for continuous drinking.
Donat is recommended for:
- Diseases of the gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic diseases of the pancreas
- Diseases of the liver, abdominal distension
- Diabetes mellitus , elevated uric acid, high cholesterol, and constipation
- Diseases of the stomach and duodenum
- Increased stomach acid (heartburn)
- Obesity , increased body weight, Cardiovascular diseases
- Nerve disease, headaches and migraines
- Magnesium deficiency
It is also recommended for normal muscle contraction. Magnesium itself affects the balance of electrolytes, the functioning oft the nervous system and the transmission of nerve impulses, building protein and sustaining a normal metabolism.
Donat natural mineral water, which is around 8,000 years old, is scientifically proven to have healing properties. The spring water, sourced from depths between 280 and 600 meters underground, is enriched with minerals from dissolving rocks (magnesium, calcium, sulfates, hydrogen carbonates) and other elements (CO₂), which help alleviate or prevent various diseases and protect our health. Due to its chemical composition, physical properties, balneological experience, and medical research, it has been used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in Rogaška Slatina for over 100 years. It is characterized by exceptionally high mineralization, with more than 13 g of dissolved minerals per liter (including CO₂), containing over 1,000 mg/l of magnesium, around 300 mg/l of calcium, and many other health-beneficial elements and compounds.
Role of ingredients
- Participates in over 300 metabolic processes
- Supports electrolyte balance
- Essential for normal metabolism
- Necessary for proper nervous system function and nerve impulse transmission
- Required for normal muscle contraction, including the heart muscle
- Vital during periods of increased demand (intensive growth in adolescence, pregnancy, and breastfeeding)
- Essential for normal bone and tooth growth and structure
- Involved in the formation of bones and teeth
- Facilitates nerve impulse transmission
- Contributes to effective muscle contraction
- Maintains muscle strength and excitability
- Plays a role in blood clotting
- Activates certain enzymes and hormones
- Slightly accelerates gastrointestinal motility (beneficial for digestion)
- Increases the secretion of gastric juices
- Reduces food retention time in the stomach
- Enhances blood circulation in the mucous membrane
- Speeds up absorption
- Promotes diuresis (water excretion)
- Buffers excess stomach acid and prevents heartburn
- Helps prevent certain types of kidney and urinary stones (uric acid, cystine, and calcium oxalate stones)
- Supports fat metabolism and helps regulate high cholesterol
- Beneficial for metabolic disorders (e.g., diabetes) by normalizing carbohydrate tolerance and lowering blood sugar levels
- Prevents body acidity
- Aids in restoring and maintaining acid-base balance
- Reduces uric acid levels (gout prevention)
- Detoxify the body and promote digestion
- Influence fat metabolism and reduce serum fat levels (lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides)
- Participate in protein synthesis
- Protect the gastric mucosa in combination with magnesium
- Act as a natural laxative by retaining water in the large intestine
- Stimulate pancreatic function and gallbladder emptying
- Help normalize gastric secretion
- Regulate water balance in the body
- Prevent sodium deficiency
- Facilitate the transport of minerals throughout the body
Donat natural mineral water also contains various minerals in lower concentrations or trace amounts. All these elements play a crucial role in different metabolic processes in the body, contributing to the overall effectiveness of Donat.
The effects of Donat on the body can be divided into:
- The impact of Donat natural mineral water on the digestive system
- The effect of absorbed electrolytes on the organism
How can we prevent magnesium deficiency? We need between 300 and 500 mg of magnesium per day, which means that drinking three to four glasses of Donat mineral water daily is sufficient. It should be consumed at room temperature and before meals. Magnesium is better absorbed when not mixed with food.